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The Real Group Discography: a timeline

10 January, 2011

Infographic presenting a timeline with the discography of The Real Group

Click on the image to enlarge it

This is an infographic/timeline for one of my favourite (if not my most favourite) vocal groups: The Real Group. They come to sing in London (they are Swedish and based in Stockholm) on Wednesday (12 January 2011) at the Kings Place. If you want to listen to a sample of their most recent album please click here.

The infographic mainly explores their discography. Since 1984 (the year the group was formed) they have released (at least according to their website; other sources indicate extra compilations/albums for specific regions) 15 albums. Being Swedish, some (in fact roughly 50%) of the lyrics in their recorded songs are in Swedish and almost the rest are in English. The infographic also explores the proportion of their albums that are dominated by cover songs/arrangements (63%) versus albums containing mostly original pieces (37%).

The Real Group website

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